Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Vitex Agnus Castus Might Help You Get pregnant!

Vitex agnus-castus, also known chaste berry, is becoming increasingly popular with women to help find fall pregnant. But what does it really do and does it Help?

The key to falling pregnant has regular menstrual cycles and just have ovulation. Of course general good health also play a part, but for those women whose fertility is because of hormonal imbalances that cause irregular intervals or ovulation then Vitex has been utilized for centuries to Help correct these complaints.

The most common hormonal problem with women is insufficient progesterone by luteal phase. The luteal phase are the days between ovulation and your period and around 14 days usally. If your luteal phase is under 10 days (called a definite luteal phase defect) then your egg, even if the solution get fertilized, doesn't have plenty of time to embed into the uterus which has been expelled with your era.

Vitex acts by balancing the endocrine system thus shifting the ratio of estrogen to progesterone. Simply no actually produce progesterone itself, just Helps your body increase its ability to produce more. It is also Helpful while having reducing high prolactin portions which are also often related to a luteal phase problem.

It has been proven especially beneficial for married couples with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) within that often have hormonal irregularities because of this that estrogen, which is dominant in the event first half of a strong electrical women's cycle, continues to dominate in the event second half thus like producing enough progesterone to stay a potential Pregnancy.

It is safe consider Vitex throughout your whole cycle before you fall pregnant but many women choose to take it either in earlier half or second share of their cycle thinking that this certainly could be more beneficial. However this doesn't allow sufficient time for the herb to construct in your body quite a few women give up too soon thinking that the herb isn't working for them.

It usually takes at least 3 - 6 lengthy for Vitex or Chaste some fruits to begin working as long as you have just started driving a motor vehicle it, continue for at least six months to be able to get the full sales revenue.

Vitex can be assimilated capsule, tea or tincture include, so talk to type naturopath about which is the best for you.


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