Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Depression instead Homeopathy

Depression are really a medical disorder which affects the thoughts, moods, feelings, behavior of a person will also affect the physical health care. There can be various factors like loss of close technicians, stressful life situations, difficulty in adaptation to the surroundings which can encourage Depression.

In certain cases Depression might occur spontaneously without any out of the ordinary cause. In some cases the Depression is because of him some organic brain diseases as well as a space occupying lesion (tumor) usually brain.

Signs and assaults:

o Depressed mood Users feels Sad, Weeping periods, Hopeless and Helpless feeling

o Surrendering interest in the daily activities that the person enjoyed

The the ultimate way to two symptoms are inspiration . symptoms in diagnosing Depression.

Besides these organ of the following symptoms should be in existence for more then a couple weeks to diagnose an instance of Depression:

o Sleep disturbances

o Wooziness or concentration

o Changes discovered in weight

o Agitation

o Fatigue merely slowing of body movements

o Low self-esteem

o Less sexual desire.

o Thoughts of death.

Types of Depression

Major Depression or to clinical Depression:

1. Dismal mood, feeling of worthlessness, the duty.

2. Behavioral symptoms describe agitation and social withdrawal

3. Outcomes in concentration and choice making

4. Sleeplessness (Insomnia) Too much sleeping (Hypersomnia)


It may possibly be chronic form of Depression ordinary the person might be free from the symptoms for a few minutes and this will alternate within state of Depression. Which is a less severe form of Depression but additionally places the person through the increased risk to suffer from major Depression.

Adjustment disorders

This can take place when one losses a close person or your child or loss of job one becomes at a loss for this. This is the consistent process and with passage eventually one comes to terms when acquiring loss.

But if the person is unable to get rid the loss and he/she develops symptoms of Depression then it is identified as adjustment disorders. It act as acute if it may last for less then 6months and chronic if this lasts for more then this period.

Bipolar Depression or manic Depression disorder

The person suffers from recurrent episodes of delight (mania) and Depression is a characteristic symptom of bipolar Depression. The person when he/she is by the manic phase will affect the judgment of the baby and it might have noticed periods when the person has grown creativity in his work on.

In this type of Depression there may be a swing of moods to the extremes (poles) also it is termed as the illness Depression or manic unhappiness.

Seasonal affective disorder

It is a pattern of Depression of changes in season and a reduction in exposure to the natural light.


o Heredity

o Stress

o Medications

o Illnesses

o Personality

o Postpartum Depression

o Hormones

o Draught beer, nicotine and drug abuse


It is diagnosed for the reason of the signs and symptoms might be present. Also your physician will do the physical examination to eliminate any other abnormality on this mimics Depression.
If the person is having strong suicidal tendencies then he/she may need to be admitted to a healthcare facility for observation.


o Suicide

o Dependency

Role of homeopathy in treatments Depression

The first question arising to the mind is when these Homeopathic medicines is actually Help in fighting the complaint. As we all know of the diseased state the internal bodily mechanisms fail in a harmonious wisdom. So to bring record the lost harmony because original balanced state appropriate Homeopathic medicine requires to be given.

The homeopathic medications acts at 3 standard the Psyche, Neuro, Endocrines at the level of the psyche it Helps to bring balance which in turn will affect the neurological balance as well as the correct secretion of the endocrine system which play a crucial role in maintaining the good flow. The homeopathic medicines consumed treat the disease but it Helps in bringing for your requirements the lost imbalance for you to its normal state.

To find the best Homeopathic remedy one needs a complete case study so that all the aspects of what a emotional nature, Fears, Social relations, family relations, ups and downs in our life have to be considered. Also the past history, problems in adjusting, Family history of any major illnesses must mentioned.

What has caused the present state is and how the personal has reacted to it will likely be very useful. We will consider few remedies briefly and how maintain represented in the depressed state.

In Digitalis

There means it is Depression; sadness melancholy after love disappointment. The patient develops pain in a position heart and is sleepless and this is why. He is low hostile.

In Natrum. muriaticum the classic medicine as well as which is very beneficial in ailments coming on following love disappointment. The patient will family over the events repeatedly and cannot forget furthermore after years have put into law. The Natrum. mur patient will slots when alone and consolation aggravates entire complaints.

I will narrate an incident in brief which will state how deep a role the sentiments play the patient had been referred to me by a colleague as the patient hasn't been responding to the medicines
The patient is promoting multiple uterine fibroids and she has severe pain due involving them.

It took me over an hour to help get the correct information the lady was very reluctant to divulge this information she has a married lady more than 30 years but she struggle to forget her first online dating which was broken.

She said their self very sad and cries when petite alone, she loves music and she just cannot forget the affair that's why makes her miserable but in addition she feels guilty about it. This is a short-term information we confirmed the option points and prescribed the Natrum. muriaticum 200c 1 medication dosage. The result the patient never showed up to me. After a months time I am going a call from he / she who had referred the case to me.

She told as well as that dose the pain had disappeared plus which sonography showed regression in the home fibroids. I asked why a person didn't report back. I used to be told she felt embarrassed as whatever will think about her. But I was thrilled to solve the case.

So what I would like to stress on is finding the "Cause" what has throughout the problem in several of the cases if no matter what develop the rapport as well as patient they will express as told by Doctor Pierce Schmidt we ought to find where the blackjack shoe pinches. This will Help us in finding the optimum remedy and also possible offer solution.

The apart from important remedy is Ignatia. amara the complaints seriously after a loss which were close person or lover disappointment. The "Sighing" in this gadget is so marked that it's impossible to miss this remedy. A loved one is silent complaints starting after emotional shock. A loved one is non communicative learn to sit silently will brood and weep.

The Depression of Aurum is extreme you have loathing of life, no if you desire to live, Suicidal disposition, and constant suicidal thoughts. There is also marked nervous about death.

Depression can be treated with Homeopathy but an appropriate case history and perceiving the owner is very vital. Along with treatment people also will need counseling which needs to be provided as per the requirement for. While handling patients more than strong suicidal tendencies it's the responsibility of the treating physician to debate the state to the parents or the Care tilbyder.


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