First we saw Madonna... Then came John p Crawford, followed by Heidi Klum, Britney Spears, Denise Richards and Angelina jolie... The list goes on as i see every day a new mom pops with the scene... Halle Berry, Salma Hayek, Sara Richie, Christina Aguilera...
Let's face it - being a moms and the internet is hot!
Yes... You will find the Baby Boom happening towards Hollywood's celebrity scene, and you bet, that means each day we see to work as celebrity mommies flaunting each of their beautifully pregnant bellies, later then revealing their sexy, flawless post-baby figure... Later, in no time at all... They fully go to work on their quite successful Careers.
Times improve changed... Moms have gone... it's an outright Very popular Mommy revolution!
Unlike women from several decades ago, today's mommies view Pregnancy and motherhood with one another more wonderful stage in their life for which to show pride and confidence. Than ever before in which pregnant women tried every single trick to "hide" our own bellies, as if a wishing woman's changing body would be a reason of shame - another way of declaring to the rest of the world that her thrives was officially "over. "
Perhaps it was Demi Moore's Satisfaction Fair cover in August 1991 what triggered the start of this change in the look off Pregnancy and motherhood. Until then, no Hollywood celebrity or beauty icon would even require displaying to the buyers a less-than-perfect waistline, reduced a protruding 8-month expecting belly.
It took several years, one controversial magazine cover and a limitless number of declarations by incorporating many, now proud parents, celebrity beauty icons, to finally make country realize that Pregnancy isn't a condition to be ashamed of, to hide and, reduced, to mark the quick a woman's beauty and just professional Career.
Today's moms just need to show to the world that they were still beautiful and that her and professional lives are far from over. They take Care with this health and their appearance, at the same time that they balance their work along with the way family lives. Modern moms are not only found strong and practical, they are also fun, beautiful, sensual as well as intelligent. Today's mommies celebrate not only their personal and professional accomplishments - they want celebrate the miracle of life and so the process that it implicates.
Today's moms should be acknowledged as Steaming Mommies, and this is only a true revolution, a moment in situation in which society's perspective is changing... For more!
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