Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Overcome Infertility - How we Treat Kidney's Yin Deficiency - Reason for High FSH in TRADTIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE Perspective

In conventional medicine, high FSH is defined as a condition of the follicles donrrt respond to the FSH, causing the pituitary gland to produce better FSH to stimulate stop by of ovaries in follicle production. In traditional Traditional chinese medicine, high FSH is defined as the the continuous surging of yin helpless to stimulate the ovarian to make the follicle, because using yin deficiency, leading to anterior pituitary gland producing more FSH hormonal. Herbs, acupuncture and foods supposed to treat kidney yin deficiency reason for high level FSH include

I. Herbs

1. Sheng di huang (Rehmannia)

The cool herb has been used to improve function linked to heart, kidney and liver channels by clearing heat up, cooling blood, nourishing yin and also generating fluids.

2. Gou qi ( French wolfberry)

The neutral herb has been used to tonify the filtering system, lung, kidney by robust liver and kidney yin versus blood yin deficiency.

3. Wu wei zi (Schisandra)

The warm herb has been used in TCM in promoting heart and soul, kidney and lung channels by tonifying kidneys yin versus essence, generating fluids and reducing the kidney yin cause of the frequent urination.

4. Sha shen (Glehnia root)

The cool herb has been used to enhance the pulmonary and stomach channels by nourishing the stomach, generating body fluids and moistening skin and come under layer.

5. Sang ji sheng (Mulberry mistletoe stem)

The neutral herb has been used to smooth the liver organ and kidney channel next to enhancing liver function it curing the kidney out of the yin and blood shortage.

II. Acupuncture

The bolow function as suggested points for acupuncture

1. BL15 (Xinshu)

2. BL18 (Ganshu)

3. BL23 (Shenshu)

4. HE7 (Shenmen)

5. KD3 (Taixi)

6. LV3 (Taichong)

7. SP6 (Sanyinjiao)

8. Or anything else.

III. Foods

1. String beans

2. Celery

3. Parsley

4. Grapes

5. Plum

6. Berries

7. Sea salt

8. Etc.

In TCM, each woman is treated uniquely to her very own entity depending to discrepancy, please consult with your Chinese medicine practitioner before applying.


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